Sunday, May 25, 2014

Naadi Shashtra

Q / A with Guruji on Naadi Shashtra – Part: 1

RGBS: Guruji, would you please share your experience and research about Naadi shashtra…

Guruji: I came to know about palm leaf naadi reading from a great Advaita master – Ramesh Balsekar when I attended his talks at Sindhula, Mumbai. In three talks, he fully convinced me that everybody around is psychologically programmed biological robot! Everything is as per destiny – and that destiny is written on a palm leaf. It is a hard copy of your destiny, written in old Tamil language, even if you can’t read it; you have to believe it… It was a great challenge to my scientific temperament. I found a naadi reader in Pune at that time and gave my right thumb impression on a paper. He told me that he will find out the right leaf for me and read out my destiny. I was thrilled and followed up with him but he could not get my palm leaf patti for next five years.

We happened to roam around in Himalayas extensively in 2003 and stayed in many ashrams there. In 2004 we went for 1st Kailash Mansarover Yatra with a small group of people from Tao. After we returned back, I got message from him that he had found my palm leaf patti and he gave me a date for reading it.

After few formalities of checking and cross-checking, the first sentence he made that, “You had been to a great Yatra of a Shiva-sthali with your family” and that’s why this yog of reading your naadi has come to you at this time.” The opening sentence was absolutely right! We had just completed Kailash Yatra and Kailash is the Shiva-sthali he talked about. After that he read out many incidences, names of people, situations etc. and many such things about future. Everything was recorded and transcribed for future readings. Many things have come true while few things had not been as per the reading. It is 80-20. 80% true, 20% false.

Overall, my scientific mind got tremendously attracted to this Vidya. How did he find my palm leaf patti from my Thumb print? How he could tell so accurately about names of my father, mother, wife and child?

We decided to do research on this and found another person Mr Oak from Pune who had retired from Govt. service and doing full fledge research on naadi. We invited him to give talks at Tao and we also visited him at Pune. Purchased his books on such research and discussed a lot about various Naadies. After this I visited various naadi-shashtries and came to know about various naadies such as Bhrigu Naadi, Agastya Naadi, Vashishta Naadi, Kashyap Naadi, Kakbhusundi Naadi, Saptarshi Naadi, Shiva Naadi etc. I got my reading from many of these naadies and there was great variation in all readings. The range of truthfulness was varying from 30% to 80%. During these days, we came across a great man, Kantilal Pandya at Mumbai who was a shadow reader (Chhaya-Shashtri). It is also a kind of Naadi reading. He was far more accurate compared to all others and his solutions to real life issues were very effective. While doing my post graduate learning in Counselling, I also recognized that he was a great counsellor too! I was highly impressed by this Vidya and wanted to learn it. (Read more details of this incidence in my blog on Nirmal Naadi.)

I took about 200 people to various Naadi shashtries to understand this Vidya in detail and to find the science behind it. I started asking people about the efficiency of various Poojas suggested by various Naadi Shashtries and how it helped to improve their life. I started noting down the effects and major changes people talked about. Over all it had been an exciting research that has changed my understanding of life in a big way! All this understanding and further research through direct downloading of knowledge, we have got this new naadi … now popularly known as “Nirmal Naadi”.

Read more about Nirmal Naadi here…

Om svastir bhavatu…

Q / A with Guruji on Naadi Shashtra – Part: 2

RGBS: Guruji, is there any danger of knowing destiny in advance? Would you like to share any precautionary measures?

Guruji: Rishis were/are highly compassionate human beings. All the help available from Naadi is always auspicious and for betterment of human beings.

But human errors are unavoidable. e.g. Misinterpretation of naadi can happen because of naadi reader not having experience and expertize in decoding the old Tamil script or disability to connect to this knowledge to modern situations and the person concerned. A naadi reader also has to be a good counsellor. I have seen people taking naadi reading too seriously and have damaged themselves because of various reasons. Let us look into all such reasons, so that we can avoid any such danger in future…

1)     Negative strokes: Your naadi reading will have positive as well as negative aspects of your life, which is unavoidable. Some people are very sensitive to negative and focus on negative and take it so seriously that they program their mind with those negative sentences only and actually suffer with low self-esteem and poor self-confidence. I know a case, where a very intelligent boy got negatively programed because of naadi reading and actually stopped working for his betterment. To avoid such things, (A) Naadi reader should be mature enough not to give negative strokes while naadi reading and (B) the person concerned should not take it so seriously that one gets negatively programed by such sentences.

2)     Positive strokes: At times naadi reader may make some very good predictions about your future and as you understand that whatever has been predicted about past, has come true; so whatever is predicted about future will also come true! This understanding can lead to complacency. With all such things, belief in destiny becomes so strong that people stop learning and using their common sense. Read this case study: A very intelligent man went for naadi reading when he was not having any child and wanted child desperately. As per naadi prediction he was to get four children… and as predicted the first child arrived! Now there was a choice with couple to go ahead with it further or stop with one or two children. The gentleman believed too much in destiny and did not bother to listen to his wife and went ahead with further children… this kind of stubbornness about naadi reading can create rift in a relationship or trouble the health of lady.

3)     Immaturity and ego: There are many cases of damages when an immature person goes for naadi reading and not able to handle it. Here is a case study: A serious seeker went for naadi reading and there was a prediction that he will become a great master. He stopped doing Sadhana and meeting his master who was guiding him and actually went down because of his egoistic behaviour and misunderstanding of naadi reading. Actually because of his non-learning attitude and inaction he only stopped his progress on the path!

4)     Diagnosis and remedy are different: Naadi reading is a process that can tell you a lot about you, your future, your patterns and corrections you need to do in your thinking and behaviour. So, this is the diagnosis part. After this, comes the remedy which can be as simple as visit to a temple or it can be an elaborate pooja. Many people do not take these remedial measures seriously and blame naadi reading for not improving their life. It is like you go to a doctor. He sends you for few tests and interprets the report to tell you the disease. This is diagnosis which in itself cannot cure your disease. You need to take medicine prescribed by doctor to heal yourself! Similarly, you need to implement the remedial measure for proper benefits of naadi reading.

5)     Non learning attitude: The last but not the least is non-learning attitude after naadi reading. Many people I have seen are so happy after knowing their destiny that they feel there is no need to learn anything or to do anything. They believe everything is taken care by destiny! This attitude has troubled maximum people after naadi reading and they are only responsible for such foolish behaviour and suffer in their life when they see that naadi reading is no more coming true as predicted. It cannot! You still need to put efforts to make your life and relationships work! The interesting part is no naadi reader ever tells you “not to learn” or “not to put efforts to make your life and relationships work”, but even intelligent people misinterpret naadi readings and behave like a mudha (non-learner).

Om svastir bhavatu…