Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Many Questions Answered!

Many questions answered – Part: 1

Q-1: I am practicing 49HB Kriya which I learn in L-1 two years back. I feel bored while practicing it and I don’t think I am progressing further on the path. Please help.

A-1: This is normal and experienced by thousands of people practicing Kriya. Any one Kriya you do, will give you good results max up to 48days because your body gets saturated with prana with a specific technique and it DOES NOT add value to your Kriya practice. “Incremental Add-on” is the essence of Kriya Yoga. It is a live tradition. You need to learn higher kriyas and move further. Getting stuck with any one practice is no good. It is bound to bring boredom! For you, next step is to learn “Nadi-samhar Kriya”. You will bounce back to zest of life with it. You will also learn to recognize your attitudes and blind spots with it. To come out of “Blind-Spots” you need to practice “Shakti-Chalini Kriya” for 48 days. Continue learning and practicing, you will soon grow in the dimension of Light of Awareness. Slow and steady wins the race! Kriya yoga is a very systematic way to increase Awareness. Delta change (small incremental change) every 48 days is the essence of growing through Kriya practices. Please study “Panch-Pakoda Principle” from 21 Points Teaching book and find your own chart of combinations of various aspects – such as – Dhyan, Gyan and Bhakti which needs to be added to your Kriya practice.

Q-2: I practice Kriya daily but feel more growth happening with Gyan-Yoga. Should I continue Kriya practice or shift to Gyan Yoga completely?

A-2: Practice of Kriya throws you in to meditation where Gyan happens! For intellectual people, it is good to give ATTENTION to few basic qualities of a MASTER and keep growing in to that dimension through contemplation. Gyan – Yoga is an idea whose time has come! With the dawn of new frequency, more and more intelligent people will get attracted to this way. I recommend you to read Ashtavakra Geeta and Tripura Rahasya. With this new knowledge, you will grow very rapidly on the path. Practice of Kriya is necessary to keep vitality high, without which understanding the scriptures is not possible. Also, continue to meditate as without meditation the intellectual knowledge can get converted in to intellectual arrogance! Also, add Bhakti and be simple and humble and practice GRATITUDE to sustain “Enlightened Living”.

Q-3: I am practicing Kriya and Meditation for last six months religiously. I did experience growth but my clarity of thinking is not very high. What should I do to increase the clarity?

A-3: As you have learnt in L-1 & L-2; the Panch-MahaBhuta- Shuddhikaran-Process is an important learning. Every seeker has to take care of food and nutrition to take care of EARTH element. Drink Alkaline Charged water to balance WATER element. Do Homa-Havan (Fire ceremonies) to increase clarity of FIRE element. Do Kriya daily to balance AIR element and Meditation on daily basis balances SPACE element. Now if you see, in our modern lifestyle, FIRE is the deficit factor. Because of lake of fire element, clarity of thought is missing. Hence I recommend that you add “Havan therapy” to your practice on regular basis. Fire has fantastic advantages as far as the clarity of thought is concerned. It also adds to Light of Awareness! In the new frequency, FIRE has a big role to play. Rishi Culture always knew this secret and hence on every occasion, Rishis do Havan to get clarity. The appropriate action is possible only if you have clarity of thought, without which it is not possible to grow in awareness. So, I highly recommend that you add “Agnihotra” practice on working days and do full-fledge Havan on weekends when time permits. Once the deficit factor is taken care, you will start enjoying balanced lifestyle! God Bless You!

Q-4: I am feeling very restless and do not feel like doing anything. I am not even able to sleep at times and restlessness keeps growing. Pl help at earliest. Life is becoming hell…

A-4: This is because of new heart-beat frequency. It is experienced by many but degree is varying. Being an artist and sensitive person, you are experiencing it more. The answer to your question is already there in my Diwali Greetings mail. Pl read it. If you need any further clarity, pl write to me.

Q-5: I attended L-1 last month and practicing Kriya regularly. I am experiencing high levels of sexual excitement. Is it because of Kriya? How do I handle it?

A-5: Once you start practicing “Panch-Mahabhuta- Shuddhikaran Process” you gain positive health and start enjoying life in all dimensions. For a young man like you, it is normal. Focus more on doing your day to day activities with higher awareness and practice meditation daily. Also read good books and be with people in healthy environment. Watching – witnessing you transcend the urge! Try it!!

Q-6: I have started enjoying Kriya and meditation since last month L-1 course, but my spouse is dead against spiritual practices and creating troubles for me whenever I seat in meditation. How do I handle this challenging situation?
A-6: This is the most difficult question to answer! J I recommend that you come as rejoicer with your spouse to next L-1 course. House-holder’s spirituality is to be practiced together for harmonious living. When husband and wife – both walk the same spiritual path, the conflicts are lesser. Also, learn to respect uniqueness of your spouse as much as your own uniqueness. Continue to practice “Detached Involvement” especially while at home. Be more loving and caring! Give enough attention and I hope, your spouse will not have objections to your meditations! If you have right attitude, every disturbance helps you to get in to expanding awareness! Don’t worry. In any case, you will get used it in three years of married life!!!

Om Prem

Many questions answered Part-2

Q-1: I had been doing Kriya and Meditation for last six months regularly. I have become aware of my emotionality but I am not able to control my emotions 100%. Please bless me to come out of negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy and guilt.

A-1: Practice “Attention” of all that is happening. The moment you are attentive to an emotion, it rises to the peak and then withers away! Get in to such attentive mode all the time. This is the beginning of “Emotional Awareness”. With this you will be able to recognize your “Trigger Points” (What triggers your emotionality?) You will also become aware of your “Emotionality Patterns’. Once you have the awareness of these things, you only need to practice “Emotional Awareness” and “Emotional Regulation” to reduce it and come out of it completely. You can also do re-patterning to substitute a positive pattern once you know your negative pattern.

It all starts with “Attitudinal Corrections” to look in to our own “Blind Spots”. Most people do not grow because they do not have right set of attitudes. This world needs attitudinal training in a big way! Training in emotional intelligence is the next thing. Learning is growing. Learning and practicing is the solution. You are asking – “Please bless me to come out of negative emotions…” My blessings are always with you but only blessings will not help you. You have to learn and implement what is being said. It is said, “Blessings of Mahavatar Babaji is showering all the time!” We need to raise ourselves to get it. We raise ourselves to such heights by learning to increase our Awareness and Understanding.

Q-2: What is Kundalini awakening? During meditation I am experiencing sensations in my spine. Is it the beginning of Kundalini awakening?

A-2: About Kundalini everything is discussed in detail. Please read the entire chapter on Kundalini by clicking on this link…

Q-3: What is the difference between Attention and Awareness? Are they same and interchangeable or have different meaning? Also, what is the difference between Sakshi and Drishta? What is consciousness? Is it same as Atma? It’s all very confusing. Pl clarify…

A-3: Yes! For a beginner it is all very confusing! If you read more books of many Masters, it will be even more confusing as all Masters have used these words in their own ways.

So let us have clarity. Attention is a “Quality of higher-Self” capable of throwing Light and illuminating the field. Say, for example, your leg is moving unconsciously. The moment you give attention to it, its field is illuminated and as a result it becomes known to you. Awareness is real YOU, you can call it awakened atman. (Un-awakened Atman is Badhaatma – bonded soul - normally called Jivatma). When awareness becomes aware of itself, it is known as awakening – Buddhahood – Enlightenment.

Sakshi mean Sa-Akshi meaning one with eyes or the one who is seeing! Seer in you is Sakshi! It’s active awareness of thought. Active Drishta is Sakshi. When you start watching the watcher, Sakshi gets converted in to Drishta. Drishta is passive awareness. When awareness becomes aware of itself, trio of “Drishta – Drishya – Darshan” disappears! This is enlightenment.

Consciousness is the substratum on which the game is played. You can consider the game of illusion as movie, various Jivatmas as actors acting in the movie. The consciousness is the curtain on which the movie is projected. Hence everything else is changing except the curtain of consciousness!

Word “Atma” is used in common language in Indian culture. It is to be understood as Jivatma when it is shrouded by various belief systems and hence bonded and not free. Here, it is called as Jivatma or Baddha-atma. When it gets released from its karma, it merges in to higher-self known as Paramatma. This is a good landmark but not the end of the journey. From here onwards one needs to walk the path to Monad by tracing Sutratma and through Antahkaran shuddhi.

Q-4: I had been to many Gurus and had blessings of them as many Gurus visit Dubai. Even after receiving all their blessings, most of the time I am confused and I don’t seem to be growing on spiritual path. Why is it so?

A-4: Meeting various Gurus and getting their blessings is good. Masters blessings are always good. But they do not work equally well for all as your Karma will define your life journey. Masters blessings are like ocean! Everyone will receive according to the size of your pot. How much can you carry in your pot? Even if your pot is bigger, it will not last forever. So, you may feel good for some time, but it will remain temporary. Hence only Master’s blessings cannot create the change or transformation you are looking forward to.

You need to walk your path. It’s your own journey! It’s better to be in touch with a Master with whom you click well and the one who is available to you for personal guidance. Today, most popular Gurus have become so big, they do not meet anybody! They are not even available to their disciples who are also their teachers! And this is not for criticism of anybody. Because of the size of the organizations, it is practically impossible for them to meet their own people!
Be wise. Know for sure that “Everything that glitters is not gold!” Take your own decisions. Don’t get trapped in to “Cooked up - promoted Stories” by such groups.

One of the real ways to know the Master is through Science. Today modern science is developed to the extent that even “Enlightenment” can be proved in a laboratory! Pseudo teachers will start trembling the moment you talk to them about taking them to laboratory. And those who are smart to protect their hypocrisy - will say, “I have nothing to prove!” (Really they have “nothing” to prove!) Scientific spirituality is always a better option.

Another way to know a pseudo teacher is they ask for faith in them at the beginning! A real Guru will say, experiment! A real Master does not ask for faith. The true faith will happen as a by-product of your experimentation with meditation through your own experiences. If the methodology is right, you will grow in AWARENESS. If you are not growing in awareness, it’s time to look within.

Kashmir Shaivism, Tripura Rahasya, Sri Vidya, Ashtavakra Geeta and all such scriptures talk about spiritual practices which are for developing Awareness and Understanding. Many teachers who are Mystics (But not the Master) – They have their own experience, and some capable Mystics can also transfer their experience through Pranapat / Shaktipat but as they do not have the way to help you to increase your AWARENESS and UNDERSTANDING hence you cannot get benefited much by following them! In “Masters Training” this is the first topic. Read notes of Masters Training posted earlier on this group. Here is the link…  

The higher Schumann frequency (Heart-beat of Gaia) prevalent on earth now, needs intense learning and awareness development meditations for ascension.  And so we have decided to have only “High Intensity Learning Retreats” from now onwards. Kriya – Dhyan – Satsang programs will focus more on Gyana Yoga now onwards.

We are soon going to announce weeklong retreats on Ashtavakra Geeta, Tripura Rahasya, Kashmir Shaivism and Sri Vidya. Pyramid Ashram at Kalyan is now ready for this type of intense learning. High intensity learning is NOT for masses. It is only for those who are sincere seekers and want to learn and grow. Those who do not expect to grow only with blessings are ready for such learning experiences. If you believe that only Master’s blessings will do it for you, you are mistaken.

The real meaning of the “Blessings of the Master” is when you are with a Master you start learning and growing in Awareness and Understanding and that is the way you absorb the blessings. It has more to do with YOU and the situation of “Intense Learning”. A real Master will create an environment and motivate disciples to walk the path. The way there are no free meals in the same way there is no ready-made enlightenment! Enlightenment is guaranteed if you walk the path of Awareness and Understanding. All the scriptures are talking about this only. Because you do not read scriptures, you do not understand this. Weekend teachers themselves do not have time for scriptures hence they are not capable of giving such clarity.

As a student in my Sadhana years, I have asked this question of “Blessings” to many great Masters personally. (J. Krishnamurti, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Osho Rajneesh, Kiran Swami, Sant Amitabh, Vimala Thakkar, Dada Gavand, Ramesh Balsekar, Ranjit Maharaj, Pilot Baba, Gorakh Baba to name a few) because the most popular sayings of Kriya Yoga is “Guru Kripa hie Kevalam”. Now, if only Guru-kripa is going to do the job, why should I do Kriya and Meditation and learn the scriptures? All the Masters said, “You need to do your bit to prepare yourself!” And that’s the point!!

Q-5: What is the difference between Shaktipat and Shivapat?

A-5: Shaktipat is “Energy Transfer” from Master to Disciple. At lower level it is Pranapat. It elevates your Prana-Shakti and you gain health. At times, few Shaktipat Masters open the chakras with Shaktipat but the real Shaktipat awakens the Kundalini and it is rare! Masters who can handle Kundalini awakening of individuals are rare and those who can do such experiments at mass level are rarest!!

Shivapat is NOT “Energy Transfer”. Shivapat is all about Master sharing his own Enlightenment with the disciples by instantly raising them to newer dimension of awakening. Shivapat experience will take you to higher levels of Awareness and will help you walk your own path in true sense. Through Shivapat experiences when Master shares his Enlightenment, disciple gets it as Satori experience! Satory experience is a glimpse of enlightenment. It becomes permanent when you listen to words of the Master and remain in the higher understanding which is your own! All of you who have attended Aura Workshop have seen the magical effects of Shivapat. How instantly it elevates your awareness and the effect is you actually start “seeing” with two eyes! In genuine spirituality there is no component of imagination. All those who focus on “Third Eye” they are not seeing, they are hallucinating! When Kundalini rises up to third eye; one starts hallucinating. It’s only when the wisdom eye opens, hallucinations stop! This is proven scientifically and also statistically. And the most important point here is - unless your awareness grows, you will never be able to differentiate between what is real and what is hallucination. Most seekers today are caught-up in “Mind Games” because they do not have right methodology of “Awareness Development”. Path to liberation is not through the hallucinations of third eye; it is through awareness development with understanding.

All those who are running after “Experiences” let us have right understanding of this very experience. The very nature of “Experience” is such that it cannot last forever! Hence do not hang on to your old experiences. What you are hanging on is only the “memory” of that experience and not the real experience! In fact, hanging on to the memory of an experience becomes hurdle to have further experiences! Consider all experiences as passing phase! All experiences belong to the “Experiencer”! And who is the experiencer? Ego is the experiencer! When you have no more experiences, that is the real experience (Anubhuti)! No experience is sustainable. Only Understanding is sustainable. Learning the scriptures is necessary to develop the understanding. Only those who have systematic learning approach and do appropriate Sadhana grow on the spiritual path. This way you develop your “Experiential Understanding”.

Master’s presence is a blessing of life. In the presence of the Master the growth is fastest. First thirteen chapters of “Tripura Rahasya” consistently convey this message! Gurudev Dattatreya helps the disciple Parshuram on the path to enlightenment in his own presence! Parshuram is considered as Vishnu’s Avatar. If a Vishnu’s avatar needs a live Guru, what about you and me? Other Vishnu’s avatars Rama had his Guru in Vashishta Rishi. Krishna had Sandipani Rishi as his Guru.

I have tremendous Gratitude for my Master Sri Dada Gavand in whose presence the light of awareness – Enlightenment - happened. Sri Ranjit Maharaj who taught me to fly in “Vihangam Marga’ (The Way of a Bird). At present I am learning the secrets of “Pashupat Shaivism” at the lotus feet of an Immortal Yogi and you all know him very well. Learning in the presence of a live Guru – what a blessing of life!!!

All my friends who are seriously interested in learning - here are few insightful landmarks from my own life.
1)    The first level of understanding happened to me by learning Bhagvad Geeta and Vedanta (various Upanishads) from Swami Chinmayananda. This is the understanding of 25 elements. This phase helped me to become a sincere seeker – a mumukshu.
2)    Next level of understanding happened by being with a very unorthodox Master Sri Dada Gavand. He helped me to be more attentive and the light of awareness grew leading to enlightenment.
3)    Third level of Understanding happened by being with Sri Ranjit Maharaj. He taught to fly in Vihangam Marg – A way of a bird.
4)    Next level of Understanding happened through Shivapat experience given by Sri Lakshamanjoo Maharaj in astral dimension and 36 elements of Kashmir Shaivism were revealed and further higher Understanding happened that completed the jigsaw puzzle of my understanding!
5)    Now the next level of higher learning of secrets of immortality is happening by learning Pashupat Shaivism with 46 elements. The journey continues…

Now, here is the warning bell for those who entertain the myth that there is no way to enlightenment… Well, there is a way and this way is guaranteed! The way is through higher understanding of various elements! So, next time you invite me to Dubai, let us have intense learning camp of Kashmir Shaivism. You will learn, experience and understand 36 elements and 32 states of Being – a path to liberation!


Om Prem

Many questions answered: part-3

Q-1: Recently I came across a miracle. I saw lot of ash flowing down from a photograph of a spiritual Master. Being a scientific minded person, I keep thinking about it as I know that to every miracle there is an underlying structure. The moment we know the science, it is no more a miracle. But in this case, I am not able to understand the science and the person at whose residence it is happening is an honest man. He has nothing to do with money and name and fame. I am confused. Please help.

A-1: As a scientific minded person I have seen and recorded hundreds of such cases in past few decades. Initially I was surprised, but as the science is now known, it is no more surprising.

There is a science called “Teleportation” where an article travels through the “Sub-Space” and hence its movement is not seen by naked eyes. Scientists have already succeeded in proving teleportation in laboratory. Yogis and Rishis knew it through spiritual science. “Brahmastra” used during Maha Bharat war traveled through sub-space!

In the modern times, Swami Vishuddhananad Dev knew it and he used to demonstrate such things and many other miracles through “Surya Vigyan”. It is a science of molecular modification through use of sun rays and subtle elemental control. Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj has described it in details in biography of Paramhamsa Swami Vishuddhanand Dev and the famous traveler Paul Brinton has also described such incidences in his book “In Secret search of India”.

Let me narrate this incidence which happened in front of 100+ scientists from world over in a conference at Bangalore, two years back. A spiritual master called a person from audience and made him sit on a chair facing audience. Then master went behind him and rubbed hands on his head to take out a crystal ball. I was in the front raw and photographed this event. The Master was none other than Rev. Alex Orbito, a Philippines based popular Psychic surgeon and the person on whose head he created the crystal ball was none other than Ex. CBI Director Dr. D. R. Karthikeyan, the one who investigated the Rajiv Gandhi case and he is now a legal advisor to Indian government.

There are Tantriks who have demonstrated it too. They use “Pishach Siddhi” for such purpose. They have a team of “Pishach” (ghosts) under their control and they help to do such tasks. It is possible to see the movement of such subtle bodies by clairvoyants and also by modern Kirlian cameras. This method seems to be the most popular these days as most cases are of this type. A tantric can order his “Team” to carry the ash from one place and put it at another place. It can be a photograph or it can be on your head too! A friend from Dubai recently narrated one such his experience in which ash started flowing from his crown chakra when he was with a Tantrik master in south India! Somehow my friend saved himself but most gullible audience gets influenced by such Tantriks and they get exploited. At times, those who get exploited don’t even know! Few consider such experience as “Spiritual experiences” and start promoting such experiences on their blogs and groups to impress the novice spiritual seekers through glamorizing them as something special!

Wait and watch. With development of modern science, everything is becoming clear! Modern Kirlian cameras and “Aura videos” are helping us to segregate genuine from fake! Another point to note: Genuine Masters demonstrate in front of scientists while fake ones hide the name of their tantric masters! Think… and you will become clear on this point.

Q-2: What is the difference between spiritism and spirituality?

A-2: Spiritism deals with spirit world – subtle entities, séances, mediums, plainchant and Ouija boards, using chilies for havan (Fire Ceremony), Mirchi Pooja and all such things! Many immature people get entangled in such things with Tantrik masters in the name of spirituality while real spirituality has nothing to do with it.

Spirituality is all about “Spirit” which means Atman. Adhyatma means “Adi - Atma” means “about the Atma”!

With meditation - as your mind becomes subtler, you can get special powers called “Siddhies” and get tempted towards spirit world. A genuine seeker – mumukshu - knows about it and never gets interested in Siddhies. It is good to walk the spiritual path heading towards enlightenment without getting in to by-lanes of spiritism. If you are an intellectual or scientific minded person, better focus on Vihangam Marg (The way of a Bird) by reading books of Vihangam Marga Masters such as Nissargadatta Maharaj, Ranjit Maharaj or read scriptures such as Ashtavakra Geeta, Tripura Rahasya etc. and walk the path to enlightenment.

Many youngsters these days are getting into spiritism because of inquisitiveness or at times – unknowingly; and getting into troubles at later date. There are people who get into spiritism for short term material benefits and pay very heavily for it at a later date!

Q-3: What is enlightenment in scientific terms? How is it proven in laboratory?

A-3: With modern scientific equipment, it is possible to look into the activity of mind through MRI scanning of brain. There are many methods. In sleep labs too it is possible to know the activity of certain points in brain. So, it is possible to prove the state of non-thinking in laboratory by monitoring the brain wave activity. Scientists say, “If one can stay in a state of non-thinking for about 40 minutes at a stretch, God spot situated in brain gets activated and person gets special experiences” Scientists are working to know the activities of certain points in brain (associated with pituitary and pineal glands) and trying to correlate the brain mapping with it.

Beta waves, Alpha waves, Theta waves and Delta waves are known to scientist working in sleep labs. These brain waves are localized at certain points in brain and seen in certain conditions. E.g. Theta waves are seen during dreaming state which is also associated with REM (Rapid Eye Movements) sleep. These are normally seen in everyone. In certain cases scientists have seen C40 and C200 waves. These are not localized at certain points in the brain but they are coherent oscillations of 40Hz or 200Hz seen across the brain. These non-localized gamma waves are indicative of extraordinary state of meditator when thoughts are not there but awareness is highest.

In a recently concluded experiment at USA, thousands of Lamas doing “Mindfulness Meditation” appeared for a test in laboratory. Scientists are keen to know short term and long term effects of meditation on brain. It will be really interesting to note the findings and conclusions of scientist when the sample size is so high.

As a group we are engaged in a land-mark study of effects of Kriya and Meditation on brain. Our team of scientists and doctors will keep you updated on new research findings.

Om Prem

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